kfogel@collab.net wrote:
> "C. Michael Pilato" <cmpilato@collab.net> writes:
>>That said, I still oppose going the route of integrations between
>>Subversion's scripts and third-party tools until we as a community do
>>the due diligence to make sure that every new integration doesn't
>>require yet another custom tweak.
> Okay, does the below count as due diligence?
> This proposal would be sufficient given *any* system that can display
> changes in response to a request in a certain format, such as a URL:
> 1. Have a diff-size limit (or body-size limit) on post-commit
> emails. Some reasonable default would be built-in, but it could
> be overridden from the command line, e.g.,
> $ commit-email.pl --diff-limit=256k
Will add this.
> 2. Take a new parameter with value, --diff-alternative. If the
> diff limit is exceeded, *none* of the diff is included inline,
> and the value of the --diff-alternative is used instead, e.g.:
> $ commit-email.pl --diff-limit=256k \
> --diff-alternative='http://.../?view=rev&rev=12798'
> Where did that URL with its revision number come from? Simple: it's
> the responsibility of the caller to construct the entire URL,
> including the revnum and whatever other information is needed. That
> is, no tool-specific knowledge would be encoded into commit-email.pl.
> There's not even any requirement that the diff alternative be a URL
> (though surely it would be in 99% of cases).
I think it will work for ViewCVS if post-commit
calls commit-email.pl like this (ignoring quoting issues):
YOUNGEST=svnlook youngest <repos>
commit-email.pl --diff-alternative="http://.../?view=rev&rev=$YOUNGEST"
Something similar would have to done for other applications. BTW,
providing the URL is a good idea and the only reason I didn't put it
into the patch (and thereby catching the flak from Mike ;)) is because I
couldn't figure out how to build the URL.
> If the diff limit were exceeded, the text given in the commit email
> would be something like this:
> http://svn.collab.net/viewcvs/svn/?view=rev&rev=12798
> (Diff too large to include in this mail. Please see above.)
> And if the diff limit were not exceeded, we would *still* include the
> diff-alternative, because it might be handy for people to pass around:
OK. That means modifying whatever generates post-commit.tmpl to
use --diff-alternative when calling commit-email.pl, right?
commit-email.pl will use that option as is then. Another option is to
put a default into commit-email.pl.in.
If we go by Mike's point of not favouring a specific tool, though, the
--diff-alternative would be documented, but not provided in the template
script. Maybe commented out?
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Received on Fri Jan 21 03:53:48 2005