On Jan 10, 2005, at 1:34 PM, Toby Johnson wrote:
> An option which hasn't gotten much discussion is the ability to pass
> an environment variable on to the hook scripts. This to me
Following this discussion, the underlying desire appears to me as: in
certain installations where a more structured system has been built
upon Subversion, the owners/developers of these installations want a
side-channel so they can communicate between their clients and their
code on the server (in hook scripts).
Toby's request about passing an environment variable is a
implementation-minded request for such a side-channel.
Would such a built-in-side-communication-channel be generally
worthwhile? Or should those building structured systems on top of
Subversion be building their own communication channels for their own
purposes? I think in this case, the channels would be made at the time
of every Subversion client command that contacts the server and so the
requesters want to piggy-back on the channel that is already in place
(and take advantage of all details of which server to contact, user
authentication, etc that Subversion already handles).
At this time, I don't see that such a need for a side channel has been
shown. Not for the examples suggested upon this thread anyway.
For Toby's purposes, he could just have his client programs (maybe via
a wrapper if TSVN doesn't support it directly) send some version info
to some alternate server daemon that would respond whether that version
is acceptable or respond that it isn't up-to-date so that the client
software will inform the user that he or she needs to update his or her
client "because Toby said so." :-) That server daemon could also log
that client version string from each request for the statistics that he
The TSVN project could add appropriate features and hooks so as to make
this a nice TSVN feature.
There's no reason that all of this needs to be built into the
Subversion version control software which refrains from feature bloat.
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Received on Mon Jan 10 21:22:43 2005