Prucha, Brett A wrote:
>>Actually, I'd just forbid piping to any kind of sendmail program on
>Windows. You don't need it, since you can use Python's mail class and
>use SMTP (even if you do use some kind of sendmail clone, you can SMTP
>to localhost).
>That fine with me. I was just adding it to be compatible with Unix.
>>Looking at the patch below, the number of "if ...win32" tests gives me
>the shudders.
>-1, all those conditionals can be avoided if you use an OS-specific
>helper class.
>Can you give a small example of what you are looking for?
class Generic:
def foo(self):
class Unix(Generic):
def foo(self):
#do something unixy
class Windows(Generic):
def foo(self):
#do something windowsish
if os.platfom == 'windows':
helper = Windows()
elif os.platform == 'posix':
helper = Unix()
helper = Generic()
#and 50 more instances
But if you simply punt on piping to sendmail, you won't need any of that
at all.
>>Wha's that comma doing in the regular expression pattern? Why would you
>quote parameters that contain a comma?
>Hmm, you are right. It doesn't belong in there. I think I was thinking that I had to separate the characters by commas.
Welcome to the world of regular expressions. :-)
-- Brane
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Received on Thu Dec 23 03:49:39 2004