Wilfredo Sánchez <wsanchez@apple.com> writes:
> I accidentally gave someone the wrong URL and they got errors which
> confused the hell out of them. A couple of examples follow.
If these aren't already part of issue #1254, then could you add them?
> Attempt to check out a plain HTTP URL:
> [pucca:/tmp] wsanchez% svn co http://foo.apple.com/foo/bar
> subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:670: (apr_err=175002)
> svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/foo/bar'
> subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:294: (apr_err=175002)
> svn: PROPFIND of '/foo/bar': 405 Method Not Allowed
> (http://foo.apple.com)
> Attempt to check out a WebDAV URL:
> [pucca:/tmp] wsanchez% svn co http://foo.apple.com/dav/
> subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:670: (apr_err=175002)
> svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/dav'
> subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:294: (apr_err=175002)
> svn: PROPFIND of '/dav': 301 Moved Permanently (http://foo.apple.com)
> These make sense to svn developers, and might make sense to the
> repository admins and maybe web server admins using subversion, but
> they don't really tell you the obvious thing: the provided URL is not
> a URL to a Subversion repository.
> The first error (405) is pretty clear to a web admin; I screwed up
> the access controls. The second is the one that happened in our case
> and it threw me for a loop until I realized that it was the wrong URL.
> Perhaps these could be made clearer.
> -wsv
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Received on Fri Dec 10 22:06:21 2004