Branko Čibej <> writes:
> Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> > So I'm going to rip the on-the-fly lock checking out of BDB's public
> > fs funcs, and fitz going to avoid coding that feature in FSFS.
> > Meanwhile, I'm going to create some libsvn_repos wrappers around the 8
> > or so fs-write routines. These wrappers will do on-the-fly lock
> > checking, and will be optionally available for use by both server
> > processes.
> I'm on the verge of suggesting we deprecate all the FS wrappers in
> libsvn_repos, even the new ones...what a mess...
Nonsense. There's nothing messy about any of it. The filesystem
library has an API, and does its thing. The repository library wraps
the filesystem API to do things that are flatly wrong for the
filesystem API to do. If you can find a way to wrap the FS without
using wrappers, I'm all ears (or eyes).
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Received on Fri Dec 3 00:57:16 2004