kfogel@collab.net wrote:
>Julian Foad <julianfoad@btopenworld.com> writes:
>>Branko Čibej wrote:
>>>$ svn mkdir scratch
>>>svn: '.' is not a working copy
>>>$ mkdir scratch
>>>mkdir: cannot create directory `scratch': File exists
>>>$ ll
>>>total 0
>>>drwx------ 2 brane brane 0 Nov 12 20:42 scratch
>>>I say, aren't we optimizing system calls just a wee bit too
>>>This is 1.1.1 on Windows, by the way.
>>Presumably CygWin or similar, judging by the prompts and the "ll" command.
>>Same happens for me, though, on SuSE GNU/Linux, Subversion r11867.
>Oh, my prompts have looked like sometimes, and 'll' is an alias in
>Bash for me too. But I think Brane's point is, we shouldn't create
>the scratch dir at all if we aren't going to succeed in adding it to
>revision control. While client-side operations are not required to be
>atomic, it would certainly be nice to be atomic where we could... :-).
>Brane, want me to file an issue or are you on this? (I'd just fix it,
>but I've got local mods already undergoing 'make check' right now.)
I'll file the issue, unless I can fix it tonight.
-- Brane
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Received on Fri Nov 12 22:28:02 2004