"Brian W. Fitzpatrick" <fitz@collab.net> writes:
> Unfortunately, since CVS stores the keywords expanded, and they do
CVS is a red herring. My users add "$Id:$" to their files all
the time. This is works perfectly in CVS and RCS, but breaks in
Subversion. Subversion should *not* expand these and then break.
The simplest solutions is to ignore keywords that aren't of the
simple form "$Keyword$".
0 tmp% svn --version -q
0 tmp% svnadmin create repo
0 tmp% r=file://$PWD/repo
0 tmp% svn co $r wc
Checked out revision 0.
0 tmp% echo '$Id:$' > wc/file
0 tmp% svn add wc/file
A wc/file
0 tmp% svn ps svn:keywords Id wc/file
property 'svn:keywords' set on 'wc/file'
0 tmp% svn ci -m '' wc
Adding wc/file
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1.
0 tmp% svn co $r another-wc
A another-wc/file
Checked out revision 1.
0 tmp% svn st another-wc
0 tmp% touch another-wc/file
0 tmp% svn st another-wc
M another-wc/file
0 tmp% svn di another-wc
Index: another-wc/file
--- another-wc/file (revision 1)
+++ another-wc/file (working copy)
@@ -1 +1 @@
0 tmp%
Down the road, this leads to conflicts like what the irssi guys
are seeing.
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Received on Tue Nov 2 20:46:04 2004