Erik Huelsmann <> writes:
> Well, are you suggesting they move the translation out of the tree, or
> are you talking about the admin part which is stored in their own
> repos?
Definitely *not* talking about them moving the translation out of the
tree. Merely that if they need lots of supporting files, that they
pull those files from one place, and the Subversion subdir from our
repository, and whatever else they need from wherever it lives, into
one working copy. All this by using svn:externals in a special
repository dedicated to the translation effort.
After all, the infrastructure needed for a Spanish version of the book
should be no different from that already needed for the English
version -- in other words, there's no reason the presence of a
translation should require additional infrastructure in our tree.
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Received on Thu Oct 14 23:48:59 2004