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Re: Swig 1.3.22 and the missing runtime libraries

From: Greg Hudson <ghudson_at_MIT.EDU>
Date: 2004-09-27 01:29:44 CEST

It's this passage, from the second message you cited, which gets me:

        The new approach allows a user to build the runtime code into
        any one of the multiple modules. The actual runtime code can
        only exist in *one* of the modules, so a commandline flag must
        be used to prevent it from being generated in the other modules.
        Of course an empty module can be used to generate what used to
        be the original runtime library. (An empty module is one where
        no C/C++ code is wrapped).

How is someone supposed to distribute a binary package of the svn
bindings, or any other swig-using module, when swig has taken such a
giant leap away from sanity? If you include the runtime in your module,
you conflict with every other swig-using module; if you don't, your
module won't work standalone.

(Maybe there's a way to include the runtime in the module such that it
doesn't export any symbols of fixed names, so that it won't conflict
with other modules which do the same thing? That would duplicate object
code, but maybe not enough of it to matter.)

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Received on Mon Sep 27 01:30:36 2004

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