Hi McClain,
> <editorial>
> my 0.02usd says that we are putting ourselves and our users in the
> worst possible situation by shipping our own svn/apr/bdb. that being
> said, does the win32 svn package include javahl? if it doesn't win32
> users of subclipse would be screwed if we removed it (until javahl
> came along with stock svn packages).
> </editorial>
[Cross-posted to dev@subversion in case anyone there cares to comment).
My understanding is that svn doesn't install any bindings, not even
svnjavahl. This means that anyone wanting to use them has to build them
- which is more than the average Win32 user (or even developer) expects.
It would be good if a basic set of bindings (say Java, Perl and python)
were installed if the installer detected that the appropriate tool was
also installed, but they're just starting to take an interest in taking
the bindings to the same level as the core.
Ian Brockbank
Senior Applications Software Engineer
e: ian.brockbank@wolfsonmicro.com / apps@wolfsonmicro.com
scd: ian@scottishdance.net
t: +44 131 272 7145
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Received on Tue Sep 7 02:40:38 2004