On 24 Aug 2004 07:47:24 -0500, kfogel@collab.net wrote:
>Couple of suggestions:
>Please post FAQ changes in patch format, so we can see exactly which
>question is being modified (in this case, it's the one anchored as
>"case-change", I'm guessing), and put "[PATCH]" in the subject line so
>we can't miss it.
The patch is attached. It incorporates one of your suggestions, and
some other changes.
>Comments on the change itself:
>Duncan Murdoch <subversion@murdoch-sutherland.com> writes:
>> How do I change the case of a filename?
>> This problem comes up in two situations. If you're adding files on an
>> operating system with a case-insensitive filesystem, such as Windows,
>> you might find you accidentally add a file with the wrong case in the
>> filename. Alternatively, you may just decide to change the case of an
>> existing file in the repository.
>> You can accomplish this by copying the file somewhere temporary,
>> deleting the file from Subversion, then adding the copy with the
>> correct case, but a better way is by performing a move operation with
>> Subversion URLs. Using URLs is recommended, because it will preserve
>> history for the file, and will take effect immediately.
>> Both fixes will leave Windows working copies with problems, because
>> Windows can still get confused when trying to add the file with the
>> new case. One way of fixing the problem is to delete your working copy
>> and check out again. If this is not possible, you must perform a two
>> step update.
>That last paragraph above would be confusing to a new user, because
>they wouldn't know why Windows is "trying to add the file" in the
>first place (it's not clear until later that you mean during update).
That's from the original, but I've tried to clarify it now in my
rewrite. I added the error message; I often use Google to search for
error messages I don't understand, and that will take a user to this
>> For each file with the wrong the case, the following command will
>> change the case:
>> svn mv svn://svnserver/path/to/file.java
>> svn://svnserver/path/to/File.java
>> To update each working copy in Windows, change to the relevant
>> directory and do:
>> svn update file.java
>> svn update
>> The first update will remove file.java from your working copy, the
>> second update will add File.java, leaving you with a correct working
>> copy.
>> As you can see, adding a file with the wrong case is tricky to fix on
>> an operating system that has a case insensitive filesystem. Do try to
>> get it right when you add the file the first time!
>> -----------
>We might want to preserve the original "update *" example too, but in
>general I think these are improvements. Would you be willing to tweak
>as described above and post it to dev@ as a "[PATCH]" posting? If
>short on time, I can rewrite it myself and apply, just let me know.
I've still left out the "update *" example: it was what confused me
in the first place! Windows users aren't likely to appreciate the
difference between "update" and "update *", because "*" is different
there than in Unix: it means "all files", and can include files that
don't exist at the time the command is typed (but do by the time the
FindNextFile search gets to them).
>> On a related question: couldn't the problem be avoided if the svn
>> update command updated existing files first, then applied the new file
>> additions?
>Yes :-).
Duncan Murdoch
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- text/plain attachment: diff
Received on Sun Aug 29 20:36:27 2004