On Thursday 26 August 2004 19:26, Steve Dwire wrote:
> [aaack. Gotta remember to use "reply to all..." Sorry, Max.]
> Yes. That acronym finds its way into both the "magic" SQL Server
> authentication and the existing Subversion-apache authentication.
> In SQL Server, my connect string for programmatic access includes the
> phrase "Integrated Security=SSPI;" in place of the more traditional
> "UID=myname;PWD=mysecret;". When using Subversion with Apache, the
> module that does Windows Domain Authentication is called mod_auth_sspi.
> So, there does appear to be some degree of commonality between the two
> authentication methods. That's one reason I strongly suspect there's
> more we can do in Subversion. I just wish I knew more about how it
> works and had a plan how we could make Subversion authenticate more like
> SQL Query Analyzer does.
Hmmm, if there is an apache authentication module for sspi, then you'd think
it would be pretty easy to make that do the right thing tm with the rest of
the modules? Apache tends to separate authentication providers and data
providers which need that info. Is there not already two different modules
in apache for authentication and svn access already?
/me defers to an expert.
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Received on Fri Aug 27 00:42:08 2004