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Re: Subversion uptake in OSS projects

From: <kfogel_at_collab.net>
Date: 2004-08-16 17:23:00 CEST

Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman@collab.net> writes:
> Interesting. From the beginning, our goal has always been to take over
> the CVS user base... based on the assumption, of course, that most
> open-source projects use nothing but CVS. But it sounds like there's a
> whole separate base of people still using RCS in government, academia,
> or research. (Wasn't that what CVS was trying to replace?) Maybe
> someone should start an rcs2svn project.

Let's be careful not to jump to conclusions.

Watching the Subversion users@ and dev@ lists, we very rarely see
people converting from plain RCS repositories. The vast majority are
coming from CVS, plus the usual assortment of VSS, Perforce, etc.

Except for Eric Raymond's mention of himself and Paula Matuszek, I
don't recall any other instances of conversions from straight RCS
trees. (I could be forgetting one or two, but I'm pretty sure that if
this had been posted about with any regularity at all, I'd remember at
least a few of the instances.)

My conjecture is, the reason we don't hear about it is simply that
such repositories are extremely rare these days. Most places that
were using straight RCS did the obvious thing and converted to CVS
long ago.

That conjecture might be right or wrong, I don't know. One thing we
can tell for sure, though, is that if there *are* a lot of plain RCS
repositories out there, they haven't been posting much to the
Subversion lists (modulo Eric just now).


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Received on Mon Aug 16 18:59:37 2004

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