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[PATCH] 1.1.x/tools/client-side: new test scripts: svn, svnadmin

From: FRuG FoREST <svn-dev_at_dystopia.org>
Date: 2004-08-13 10:43:29 CEST


o Also see previous posting on updates to 'bash_completion' file.

o I discovered that the 'bash_completion_test' script did not correctly
   check 'svnadmin' commands. (it was broke!)

o Moved 'bash_completion_test' to 'bash_completion_test_svn', for
   checking 'svn' commands specifically.

o I copied 'bash_completion_test' to 'bash_completion_test_svnadmin', for
   checking 'svnadmin' commands specifically.

o The difference between two versions is about 30 lines, but it was
   faster for me to make a new version than trying to code one script
   'generically'. :)

o If someone writes a 'generic' version, then this script could be
   extended for other 'subversion' commands.

o Both files are included below.....

FILE: bash_compeltion_test_svn

# Checks that the "_svn" function defined in the specified "bash_completion"
# script produces appropriate lists of completions for various incomplete svn
# command lines.

if [ ! -f "$1" ] || [ "$2" ]; then
  echo "Usage: bash_completion_test_svn BASH_COMPLETION_PATHNAME"
  echo "Tests the specified \"bash_completion\" script,"
  echo "including checking it against the \"svn\" program found in the current PATH."
  exit 1

set -e # Exit on error
shopt -s extglob

# Execute the script which is to be tested.
. "$1"

# From the given incomplete svn command, print a space-separated list of
# possible completions of the last argument (or of an empty first argument
# if no subcommand is given).
# Usage: get_svn_completions [SVN-SUBCOMMAND [SVN-OPTION...]]
get_svn_completions() {
  COMP_WORDS=(svn "$@")
  if [ $# == 0 ]; then
  echo -n "${COMPREPLY[*]}"

# Print a failure message, record the failure, and return "false".
# Usage: fail MESSAGE
fail() {
  for LINE in "$@"; do
    echo "$PREFIX$LINE"
    PREFIX=" "

# Check that EXPECTED-WORD is among the completions of the last word in
# SVN-COMMAND. SVN-COMMAND is a single argument to this function, split
# into multiple arguments when passed to "get_svn_completions()".
includes() {
  COMPLETIONS=`get_svn_completions $1`
  if [[ "$2" != @(${COMPLETIONS// /|}) ]]; then
    fail "completions of \"svn $1\" should include \"$2\"" \
      "(completions: $COMPLETIONS)"

excludes() {
  COMPLETIONS=`get_svn_completions $1`
  if [[ "$2" == @(${COMPLETIONS// /|}) ]]; then
    fail "completions of \"svn $1\" should exclude \"$2\"" \
      "(completions: $COMPLETIONS)"

# Print the valid subcommands for "svn", one per line, sorted.
# Exclude any synonym that is just a truncation of its full name.
# Usage: get_svn_subcommands
get_svn_subcommands() {
  svn help |
    # Find the relevant lines.
    sed -n -e '1,/^Available subcommands:$/d;/^$/q;p' |
    # Remove brackets and commas
    tr -d ' )' | tr '(,' ' ' |
    # Remove simple abbreviations
    ( while read SYNONYMS; do
        for CMD in $SYNONYMS; do
          for SYNONYM in $SYNONYMS; do
            if [ $CMD != "?" ]; then
              case $SYNONYM in
              $CMD) ;;
              $CMD*) CMD= ; break ;;
          if [ $CMD ]; then
            echo $CMD
    ) |

# Print the valid option switches for "svn SUBCMD", one per line, sorted.
# Usage: get_svn_options SUBCMD
get_svn_options() {
  { svn help "$1" |
      # Find the relevant lines; remove "arg" and description.
      sed -n -e '1,/^Valid options:$/d;/^ -/!d' \
             -e 's/\( arg\)* * : .*//;p' |
      # Remove brackets; put each word on its own line.
      tr -d '] ' | tr '[' '\n'
    # The following options are always accepted but not listed in the help
    echo "-h"
    echo "--help"
  } | sort


# The tests.
set +e # Do not exit on error

echo "Checking general completion"
includes "he" "help"
includes "" "?"
includes "" "h"
includes "" "help"
includes "" "--version"

echo "Checking list of subcommands"
HELP_SUBCMDS=`get_svn_subcommands | tr "\n" " "`
COMPLETION_SUBCMDS=`get_svn_completions | tr " " "\n" | grep -v "^-" | sort | tr "\n" " "`
  fail "non-option completions for \"svn \" != subcommands accepted" \
       " (non-o. cmpl.: $COMPLETION_SUBCMDS)" \
       " (svn accepts: $HELP_SUBCMDS)"

echo "Checking list of options for each subcommand"
  HELP_OPTIONS=`get_svn_options $SUBCMD | tr "\n" " "`
  COMPLETION_OPTIONS=`get_svn_completions $SUBCMD - | tr " " "\n" | sort | tr "\n" " "`
    fail "completions for \"svn $SUBCMD -\" != options accepted" \
         " (completions: $COMPLETION_OPTIONS)" \
         " (svn accepts: $HELP_OPTIONS)"

echo "Checking rejection of synonyms"
excludes "diff -x -u -" "-x"
excludes "diff -x -u --e" "--extensions"
excludes "diff --extensions -u -" "--extensions"
excludes "diff --extensions -u -" "-x"
excludes "diff --extensions=-u -" "-x"

if [ $TESTS_FAILED ]; then
  echo "FAILURE: at least one bash_completion test failed."
  echo "All bash_completion tests passed."

FILE: bash_compeltion_test_svnadmin

# Checks that the "_svnadmin" function defined in the specified "bash_completion"
# script produces appropriate lists of completions for various incomplete svn
# command lines.

if [ ! -f "$1" ] || [ "$2" ]; then
  echo "Usage: bash_completion_test_svnadmin BASH_COMPLETION_PATHNAME"
  echo "Tests the specified \"bash_completion\" script,"
  echo "including checking it against the \"svnadmin\" program found in the current PATH."
  exit 1

set -e # Exit on error
shopt -s extglob

# Execute the script which is to be tested.
. "$1"

# From the given incomplete svnadmin command, print a space-separated list of
# possible completions of the last argument (or of an empty first argument
# if no subcommand is given).
# Usage: get_svnadmin_completions [SVN-SUBCOMMAND [SVN-OPTION...]]
get_svnadmin_completions() {
  COMP_WORDS=(svnadmin "$@")
  if [ $# == 0 ]; then
  echo -n "${COMPREPLY[*]}"

# Print a failure message, record the failure, and return "false".
# Usage: fail MESSAGE
fail() {
  for LINE in "$@"; do
    echo "$PREFIX$LINE"
    PREFIX=" "

# Check that EXPECTED-WORD is among the completions of the last word in
# SVN-COMMAND. SVN-COMMAND is a single argument to this function, split
# into multiple arguments when passed to "get_svnadmin_completions()".
includes() {
  COMPLETIONS=`get_svnadmin_completions $1`
  if [[ "$2" != @(${COMPLETIONS// /|}) ]]; then
    fail "completions of \"svnadmin $1\" should include \"$2\"" \
      "(completions: $COMPLETIONS)"

excludes() {
  COMPLETIONS=`get_svnadmin_completions $1`
  if [[ "$2" == @(${COMPLETIONS// /|}) ]]; then
    fail "completions of \"svnadmin $1\" should exclude \"$2\"" \
      "(completions: $COMPLETIONS)"

# Print the valid subcommands for "svn", one per line, sorted.
# Exclude any synonym that is just a truncation of its full name.
# Usage: get_svnadmin_subcommands
get_svnadmin_subcommands() {
  svnadmin help |
    # Find the relevant lines.
    sed -n -e '1,/^Available subcommands:$/d;/^$/q;p' |
    # Remove brackets and commas
    tr -d ' )' | tr '(,' ' ' |
    # Remove simple abbreviations
    ( while read SYNONYMS; do
        for CMD in $SYNONYMS; do
          for SYNONYM in $SYNONYMS; do
            if [ $CMD != "?" ]; then
              case $SYNONYM in
              $CMD) ;;
              $CMD*) CMD= ; break ;;
          if [ $CMD ]; then
            echo $CMD
    ) |

# Print the valid option switches for "svnadmin SUBCMD", one per line, sorted.
# Usage: get_svnadmin_options SUBCMD
get_svnadmin_options() {
  { svnadmin help "$1" |
      # Find the relevant lines; remove "arg" and description.
      sed -n -e '1,/^Valid options:$/d;/^ -/!d' \
             -e 's/\( arg\)* * : .*//;p' |
      # Remove brackets; put each word on its own line.
      tr -d '] ' | tr '[' '\n'
    # The following options are always accepted but not listed in the help
    echo "-h"
    echo "--help"
  } | sort


# The tests.
set +e # Do not exit on error

echo "Checking general completion"
includes "he" "help"
includes "" "?"
includes "" "h"
includes "" "help"
includes "" "--version"

echo "Checking list of subcommands"
HELP_SUBCMDS=`get_svnadmin_subcommands | tr "\n" " "`
COMPLETION_SUBCMDS=`get_svnadmin_completions | tr " " "\n" | grep -v "^-" | sort | tr "\n" " "`
  fail "non-option completions for \"svnadmin \" != subcommands accepted" \
       " (non-o. cmpl.: $COMPLETION_SUBCMDS)" \
       " (svnadmin accepts: $HELP_SUBCMDS)"

echo "Checking list of options for each subcommand"
  HELP_OPTIONS=`get_svnadmin_options $SUBCMD | tr "\n" " "`
  COMPLETION_OPTIONS=`get_svnadmin_completions $SUBCMD - | tr " " "\n" | sort | tr "\n" " "`
    fail "completions for \"svnadmin $SUBCMD -\" != options accepted" \
         " (completions: $COMPLETION_OPTIONS)" \
         " (svnadmin accepts: $HELP_OPTIONS)"

echo "Checking rejection of synonyms"
excludes "diff -x -u -" "-x"
excludes "diff -x -u --e" "--extensions"
excludes "diff --extensions -u -" "--extensions"
excludes "diff --extensions -u -" "-x"
excludes "diff --extensions=-u -" "-x"

if [ $TESTS_FAILED ]; then
  echo "FAILURE: at least one bash_completion test failed."
  echo "All bash_completion tests passed."




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