Christoph Rüger wrote:
> Hello,
> I read about your versioning system subversion and I'm really glad to have
> heard about it, so I won't start using CVS , as I wanted to do first :)
> But there is one thing I want to do, but I'm not sure if this is possible
> with subversion.
> We are 3 developers on a PHP Project. Now we have the workdirectory on a
> LAMP server.
> What we want to have is a version controll system parallel to the
> workdirectory where everybody checks in his work and checks out the actual
> version inside the repository.
> But we would like to checkout to the mentioned remote workdirectory on the
> LAMP server. We DON'T want to checkout to our local harddrives.
> Is this realizeable with subversion? I know that there may be some
> disadvantages, but this way would be the best for us.
It should work fine *if* the developers all have the same primary group, and
umasks of 007 or less strict.
One workarea per developer would avoid permissions problems even if the
above is not met, and may be valueable anyway, to allow 1 developer to
experiment with changes without the risk of breaking things for others.
> Another question, is it possible to enable locking of files, who are
> checked out by someone else, like MS SourceSafe does?
Not directly. Locking will probably be the flagship feature of subversion
1.2 .
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Received on Sun Aug 8 00:23:57 2004