On 05/08/04 21:17, C. Michael Pilato wrote:
>Just adding James Henstridge to the Cc: list, who just recently wrote
>the ViewCVS/Subversion/MySQL commit database stuffs. James, can you
>field this man's questions?
I'll give it a go, although the viewcvs query support really only stores
enough information to perform its queries. The Bonsai schema is
probably not sufficient for a full repository browser though (or at
least, the subversion repository would provide a better backend).
Also, the Bonsai schema was designed for use with CVS, so doesn't store
any information about copies or moves. Also, it doesn't offer an easy
way to do things like get a directory listing for a particular revision.
>Mark Phippard <MarkP@softlanding.com> writes:
>>I want to create a database schema where I will log all of my commits, via
>>a hook script, and perhaps also capture and store other statistics in the
>>process such as diff stats. My ultimate goal is to drive a
>>ViewCVS/WebSVN-type web application written in Java/JSP. Ideally, I would
>>like to have the web app work completely off the database, as opposed to
>>talking to the actual repository. Exception would be pages that display
>>file contents etc...
>>I am curious if someone has already done some of this, particularly the
>>database schema design. In particular, I am curious as to how best to
>>design the schema to make it easy to build the kind of repository/browse
>>and drill-down features as contained in ViewCVS. I have looked at it's
>>SQL database but I am unclear as to how it is actually used by the web
>>interface. I didn't see how the schema could support representing a
>>repository layout, as I saw nothing that indicated the relationships
>>between directories in the repository.
I suppose if I was designing something like this that needed to be able
to get directory listings and file logs, the database schema would
probably need a table containing entries for each file/directory in each
revision with at least these fields (you might create unique ids for
some of these fields and store the actual values in other tables):
* revision number
* file path
* type (normal file or directory)
* parent path (so you can easily get a list of the contents of a
* a boolean field stating whether the file contents changed in this
* another boolean, for the properties
* the name of the file in the previous revision (maybe set to NULL
if the file wasn't copied).
You'd probably also want a table containing revision information. It
could just hold (revision number, date, log message, author).
To list a particular directory, simply select for the appropriate
revision number and parent path. To get a file log select for a
matching file path and records where the text or properties change, and
join with the revision info table for the log messages. You'd probably
want to discard any rows after the first copy though (you could repeat
the process using the old path name to get the logs from before the copy).
I've probably forgotten one or two things here, but it should get you
started. If you don't mind programming, you might want to look at
viewcvs's "svndbadmin" hook script that extracts information needed by
the Bonsai db schema for the revision. It also includes some code to
work out the "lines added/removed" counts that you might find useful.
Email: james@jamesh.id.au
WWW: http://www.jamesh.id.au/
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