It seems that there is little advice as to the route for a non-commiter
when wishing to propose a revision or issue be ported to a branch.
It makes sense to use the dev@ list and a similar process to [PATCH];
something like [PROPOSAL]. Below is a first take at documenting
this method.
=== 8< ===
--- HACKING (revision 10334)
+++ HACKING (working copy)
@@ -1634,8 +1634,15 @@
meant to be brief summaries to help a reader get oriented; please
don't use the STATUS file for actual discussion, use dev@ instead.
-Here's an example, probably as complex as an entry would ever get:
+Where a non-committer wishes to propose a change for inclusion they
+should email a proposal to `', with a subject
+line that contains the word "PROPOSAL" in all uppercase, for example:
+ Subject: [PROPOSAL] port something cool issue#12345 to branch 1.1.x
+Here's an example of a STATUS file entry, probably as complex as an
+entry would ever get:
* r98765 (issue #56789)
Make commit editor take a closure object for future mindreading.
Justification: API stability, as prep for future enhancement.
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Received on Fri Jul 16 21:14:49 2004