kfogel@collab.net wrote:
> Bravo!
> A documentation comment, regarding the entire change:
> There needs to be some way for someone new to the code base to
> understand how these 'special' files work. Right now, one must trace
> down to a fairly deep level of code in order to make sense of what's
> going on, namely that:
> - Certain files are 'special'.
> - There are different types of specialness.
> - The first chunk of content (whitespace delimited) in a special
> file indicates which type of specialness is in effect.
> - The remainder of the content supplies whatever other information
> that type requires (e.g., for a symlink, it's the target path).
> Nowhere is this system documented as a whole. For examlpe, even if
> one makes it to the doc string for SVN_SUBST__SPECIAL_LINK_STR, it's
> not clear that whitespace is the delimiter -- you have to read a
> comment in create_special_file() to know that :-).
> I guess 'svn_node_special' in svn_types.h is the right central
> location for such documentation. Some other places might want to
> refer to it explicitly, when it's not obvious from context that
> there's a relevant node kind to look at.
I started such a section in r10127. Anyone should feel free to add
additional documentation there that you think might be helpful with
regards to special files.
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Received on Fri Jul 2 22:33:47 2004