This is episode #2 of the “many revisions in svn” experiment I have
running on one of my machines. I have mentioned this in the message
“Bug: svn-1.0.4 stops at 65536 revisions” dated 2004-05-28
16:34:45+0200, also fund at
The message is about this script running in a loop updating a file and
committing it. The script has runned more or less continuous since
2004-05-28 20:15:22 GMT, only interrupted because svn had some problems
commiting some special revisions. Until now, these revisions has created
262144 (4*65536)
786432 (12*65536)
1048576 (16*65536)
1310720 (20*65536)
It is currently at r1554955, the next potential trouble comes at
r1572864 (24*65536) if it follows the habit.
First of all, some info about the environment:
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (woody)
ldd (GNU libc) 2.2.5
svn-1.0.4 (Yes, I know)
This is what happens:
======== {{{ ========
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 786430.
Sending f
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 786431.
Sending f
Transmitting file data ./home/sunny/src/svn/test/trunk/svn-stressing/mange: line 11: 16669 Aborted svn ci -m "1" f
svn: Working copy '/root/mange/many2' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)
svn: Working copy '/root/mange/many2' locked
======== }}} ========
The working copy is now locked, and a svn cleanup is required. In
addition, an svn update is necessary to do the next commit. The file is
often modified at this point, though that is a random condition, as the
file content alternates between '0' and '1'. It seems as svn dies after
it has commited the file, but before it updates the working copy.
When I now try to commit the change into the repository, svn grows to
around 730 megabytes in the memory and then dies. (When committing
r262144 svn left a core dump of 1.619.374.080 bytes and died.) A new svn
cleanup is necessary. After this commit is done, all commits happens
strace dumps for commits around r65536 and a dump file containing 65533
revisions for further testing is located at
Øyvind A. Holm
cat /dev/urandom >SCO
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Received on Mon Jun 21 21:24:57 2004