Ben Collins-Sussman <> writes:
> On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 12:00, Yuan-Yuan Sun wrote:
> > So, a Quick Start for someone who must set up and run a SubVersion
> > repository please.
> I disagree. I don't think there *can* be a Quick Start for "setting up
> and running a repository." There are dozens of difficult choices to
> make: how will you organize the repository? How will you back it up?
> Who will own the repository? What will your hook-scripts do? Which
> server will you set up? Which authentication and authorization systems
> will you use?
> There's no way that a "Quick Start" guide can make these complex choices
> for you. Administrators actually have to read all of chapter 5 and 6 to
> get the full background they need to make these important decisions.
> That information isn't compressible into a tiny bulleted list.
> Not everything in life has shortcuts.
I was about to send a similar mail. A quickstart for repository setup
would have to work more like a flowchart, with decisions taking you
off into whole different universes for more decision-making. Heh, we
could write it as a choose-your-own-adventure story:
You are standing at a fork in the road. To the left, the way
becomes narrow, winding, and dark. There is a rickety wooden sign
that reads, "Berkeley DB". To the right the road is straight and
wide, seemingly heading towards a bright glow you spy on the
horizon. The path is marked with a neon sign reading "FSFS".
To go left, jump to page 55.
To go right, jump to page 134.
Hmm... writing that was more fun than I expected.
C-Mike considers the task for a bit, then hears his son playing
upstairs and decides, "Not today, m' boy. Not today."
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Received on Mon Jun 7 19:45:19 2004