Greg Hudson wrote:
> Let me know if the following patch helps:
yes it did, it doesn't crash any more on my
previous test and also the 'working dir locked'
effect has gone away.
but i still get
Sending Version.h
Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Transaction out of date.
Sending Version.h
is this because both test files, Version.h and Version2.h
are located in the same directory? (repository root)
i can pause one console, then the other console succeeds,
then unpause it and pause the other and it succeeds.
but if they both run there is always one that succeeds
every time and the other that fails every time. kind of a
racing condition.
ok, I tried it with one file repos/Version.h and another
in repos/foo/Version2.h -- and got another crash now.
trying to reproduce it...
sometimes now i get:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Can't open file
'X:/SVNSandbox/TestFSFS/RepoFS/db/transactions/ttXiPf.txn/rev': The file
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Unable to create new transaction.
Transmitting file data .svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Transaction out of date.
Sending Version.h
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Can't read file
'X:/SVNSandbox/TestFSFS/RepoFS/db/transactions/2hZiLB.txn/0.0': End of
file found
unfortunately i could not debug it this time,
because the crash only occours with the release build
and not with a debug build. (could mean access to
uninitialized or dead/freed memory?)
-- is there a switch to the configure-script
to enable debug information for (msvc) release builds?
and the transaction dir contains several 'lost'
and -empty- transaction folders
('IdrIsD.txn', 'np5jKb.txn', etc)
it seems that either both processes try to access
the same folder and damage each others transaction,
or a process creates a transaction folder and
fails to write into it.
goodnight for now.
i can probably try further experiments tomorrow, if needed.
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Received on Sun May 9 05:31:30 2004