Erik Huelsmann wrote:
>[ ... about assuring the encoding returned by *gettext() calls ... ]
>>Can't we please just require that all our .po files are in UTF-8, and
>>instruct gettext to not do any translation? Can we do that without using
>Reading the GNU gettext code I found an entry which says that no translation
>will be done when the admin section does not contain a "charset=" string. I
>guess that any implementation should behave that way (since there is no way
>to tell which encoding to translate from). There is no explicit call to
>instruct gettext not to do any translation though.
Seems reasonable, yes.
>I'd prefer a pre-commit hook to ensure the files are valid UTF-8 though.
We can do that. Even better, we can concoct a version of libintl for
Windows that doesn't link with libiconv, oh joy!
>I'm sorry you had to ask twice; the first time made me go look for defined
>functions not implementation implied solutions.
Ah, but you saved me the trouble of having to dig through gettext
documentatin myself. :-)
-- Brane
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Received on Sat May 1 22:21:23 2004