Marcin Kasperski wrote:
> Dnia pi± 2. kwietnia 2004 06:47, Greg Hudson napisa³:
>> On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 23:44, Nicolįs Lichtmaier wrote:
>>> It seems the company where I work will be dropping its plan
>>> of adopting Subversion company-wide. It seems we'll go with
>>> CVS instead. This is because of the lack of "labels", or
>>> tags "a la" CVS (multiple stamps on arbitrary file/revision
>>> combo).
>> That's an odd reason. It seems like you could create a /tags
>> directory containing a mixed set of components from the trunk
>> just fine.
> No. Subversion way of creating tags via copying is very good for
> branches and very, very poor for tags. For me lack of tags or
> labels is also one of the main stoppers against serious
> subversion use.
Genuine question: Why does subversion's model of "a tag is a copy" not work
for you?
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Received on Fri Apr 2 12:54:09 2004