OK, last fall I announced my intentions to be the maintainer of the cygwin
package for subversion. I proposed it here and on cygwin-apps and everyone
thought it was a great idea. I started to do some of the work, got a little
bogged down in details, changed jobs, got super busy and then stalled out. A
little prodding recently has gotten me back in motion.
I have a binary package and a setup.hint ready for viewing. I've been able to
install and uninstall this package successfully on fresh Cygwin installs without
issue. This is client only, and the only package dependency is on expat. The
source package is turning out to be a little trickier.
My thought was always that one way or the other, getting the cygwin packaging
stuff into the main files such that anyone can create the cygwin distro with a
single command. Whether that is in the Makefile or the configure or what, I
never quite determined what would be the best. As I look around, it probably
makes sense to create a cygwin directory in the packages folder in the source
tree. In there, I can put a Makefile or shell script or something that will
create the whole package - source, binary and setup.hint. Does this make sense?
I hope to have the full magilla - complete cygwin package ready for submission
(source, binary, and setup.hint) by the end of the week, along with a completed
solution for pushbutton package building. When I have the packages ready, I'll
let the cygwin apps guys know about it. When I have the packaging solution
ready, I'll post about it here.
Sorry for the long delay. My reach exceeded my grasp at the time.
Packages for public perusal:
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Received on Wed Mar 31 17:57:59 2004