svn:externals feature(s)
From: William Lentz <>
Date: 2004-03-25 18:35:38 CET
It seems like svn:externals could be made more user-friendly for
How about if svn:externals referred to the same project (e.g. "foo
For example, if the repository structure is:
Now you check out "project1" but want to get the "tool1" and "tool2"
It would be really neat if subversion was able to pull over the "tool1"
Also - if you did "svn cp /trunk/project1 /branch/project1_branch" then
Finally, it would be really nice if issue #937 was solved so that
Would anyone else find these features useful? Right now CVS can do most
Are these sorts of modifications to svn:externals possible? Or is some
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