On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 02:01:05PM -0600, kfogel@collab.net wrote:
> Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> writes:
> Good points! How about this:
> Working copy and repository formats are backward- and
> forward-compatible for all patch releases in the same minor series.
> They are backward-compatible for all minor releases in the same
> major series; however, a minor release is allowed to make a working
> copy or repository that doesn't work with previous minor releases,
> where "make" could mean "upgrade" as well as "create".
We should also put these notions into APR's versioning document. Not
"working copy" or "repository", but it can talk about client/server
compatibility and "data" compatibility.
> The important thing about patch releases is really that they are
> *both* forward- and backward-compatible. Minor releases might only be
> backward-compatible, both ABI- and API-wise...
[ note that I tried to avoid the use of the word "backward" in the
versioning document, as the semantics are a bit loose. (if the context
isn't _just_so_, then the compatibility direction is unclear)
> Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> > I think if we answer that, we're pretty much agreed on everything.
> Well, changing svn_client_blame's signature in 1.1 would be not merely
> an ABI change, but an API change as well, thus simply not allowed. We
> have to do it by adding svn_client_blame2.
> So I think the answer there is pretty clear.
The answer is clear if you agree with the versioning document. I think
Justin was seeking to "force the issue" with his question. If you're of
the mindset that the signature should change, then we've got a whole new
discussion to have :-)
> David Summers asked:
> > If so, would it be wise to go ahead and switch to that nomenclature?
> Conceptually correct, but let's not switch to the new nomenclature
> until after 1.0.0 is out. We've been using the interim release system
> for a long time, people understand it, and we already said what 0.37
> means. If we release the same code under a new name, we'll only
> create confusion.
Thanks for the excellent writeup, Karl.
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/
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Received on Fri Jan 30 22:18:00 2004