On 2004-01-27 22:18+0100, Branko ??ibej wrote:
> Here's what happened: I have a WC checked out from the 1.0-stabilization
> branch. Now that the branch has been renamed, I can't update that WC any
> more -- I get the error that the report contains invalid XML. It seems
> that the update reporter can't follow changes forward through a rename.
> "svn switch --relocate" doesn't help, either.
I can second that:
$ svn info
Path: .
URL: http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/branches/1.0-stabilization
$ svn up svn_1.0/
svn: REPORT request failed on '/repos/svn/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML
parse error at line 1: no element found. (/repos/svn/!svn/vcc/default)
$ svn switch --relocate
http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/branches/1.0-stabilization \
$ svn up
svn: REPORT request failed on '/repos/svn/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: The REPORT request returned invalid XML in the response: XML
parse error at line 1: no element found. (/repos/svn/!svn/vcc/default)
$ svn info .
Path: .
URL: http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/branches/1.0.x
$ svn --version
svn, version 0.37.0 (dev build)
compiled Jan 27 2004, 02:30:05
BR, Jani
Jani Averbach
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Received on Tue Jan 27 22:29:20 2004