As a Post-1.0 enhancement issue, I think this makes sense. (Feel free
to file it if it's not already there.)
For now, the workaround is to use 'svn cat', of course.
solo turn <> writes:
> svn is not able to export a single file. it would be nice if this would work.
> $ svnadmin create rep
> $ mkdir imptest
> $ touch imptest/ts.txt
> $ svn import imptest/ file:///`pwd`/rep -m ""
> Adding imptest/ts.txt
> $ svn export file:///`pwd`/rep/ts.txt .
> svn: Attempted to create entry in non-directory parent
> btw:
> importing "imptest" does not make an "imptest" directory in the repository,
> which is not intuitive too.
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