Greg Stein wrote:
> ...
> I believe the proper resolution is to recognize that the date formats
> are just another "contract" (to borrow ghudson's terms w.r.t APIs).
> SVN will make certain guarantees about specific forms of input. Pass
> something else at your own risk. If you depend upon behavior outside
> of the contract, then too bad if we need to alter code. We do this in
> many areas of the code. Where we find implicit contracts, then we try
> to document those to make them explicit. I'd like to posit that we're
> in the exact same situation here.
It's not the "exact same situtation" because it does more than just restrict
use of an interface, it also removes functionality. If you're going to
remove the ability for users to use dates like "yesterday" or "3 weeks ago"
or whatever, doing it before 1.0 will likely tick off a smaller number of
users and be easier to justify to them.
I don't have an opinion on the bigger issue. The current date parser is ugly
on so many levels, but the risks of replacing it now are also obvious.
- Russ
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Received on Wed Jan 7 15:28:58 2004