> Use the safe_rmtree method (sorry, can't remember the file it is in off
> the top of my head) from the standard svn client tests in the
> run-tests.py:erase method instead of directly calling shutil.rmtree to
> get rid of the 'permission denied' errors (Windows doesn't like removing
> read-only files).
> But then I got IOErrors on the pipe.close call on line 1110 in
> cvs2svn.py. Commenting that out let most of the tests pass, but some
> still failed. That's as as much as I played with it...the pipe.close
> failure may mean it doesn't like something about co.exe but I'm not sure.
After fixing the safe_rmtree thing and some installation problems with co, I
get the same error too. The log below is what I get from run-tests.py now.
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" <TIME = 0.187000>
['USAGE: cvs2svn.py [-n] [-v] [-s svn-repos-path] [-p pass]
cvs-repos-path\n', ' --help, -h print this usage message and exit with success\n', '
-n dry run; parse CVS repos, but do not construct SVN repos\n',
' -v verbose\n', ' -s PATH path for SVN repos\n', '
-p NUM start at pass NUM of 4\n', ' --create create a
new SVN repository\n', ' --dumpfile=PATH name of intermediate svn
dumpfile\n', ' --svnadmin=PATH path to the svnadmin program\n', ' --trunk-only
convert only trunk commits, not tags nor branches\n', ' --trunk=PATH path
for trunk (default: trunk)\n', ' --branches=PATH path for branches
(default: branches)\n', ' --tags=PATH path for tags (default: tags)\n', "
--no-prune don't prune empty directories\n", " --dump-only just
produce a dumpfile, don't commit to a repos\n", ' --encoding=ENC encoding of
log messages in CVS repos (default: ascii)\n', ' --username=NAME default name
when CVS repos has no name (default: unknown)\n']
PASS: run-tests.py 1: cvs2svn with no arguments shows usage
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"bogus-tag-svnrepos" "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\bogus-tag-cvsrepos"
<TIME = 0.172000>
PASS: run-tests.py 2: fail on encountering an invalid symbolic name
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\overlapping-branch-cvsrepos" <TIME = 0.188000>
PASS: run-tests.py 3: fail early on encountering a branch with two names
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"main-svnrepos" "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\main-cvsrepos" <TIME =
python said:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py", line 2307, in ?
File "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py", line 2303, in main
convert(ctx, start_pass=start_pass)
File "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py", line 2159, in convert
File "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py", line 2111, in pass4
c.commit(dumper, ctx, sym_tracker)
File "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py", line 1887, in commit
File "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py", line 1113, in
IOError: (0, 'Error')
FAIL: run-tests.py 4: detection of the executable flag
The fail message is repeated for every
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Received on Fri Jan 2 23:26:55 2004