[snip the old message ]
That was only part of the tests log and different from what I got all other
times running the tool; Here is what I got over and over before I got the
output I sent in the last mail:
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" <TIME = 0.171000>
PASS: run-tests.py 1: cvs2svn with no arguments shows usage
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"bogus-tag-svnrepos" "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\bogus-tag-cvsrepos"
<TIME = 0.188000>
PASS: run-tests.py 2: fail on encountering an invalid symbolic name
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\overlapping-branch-cvsrepos" <TIME = 0.171000>
PASS: run-tests.py 3: fail early on encountering a branch with two names
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"main-svnrepos" "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\main-cvsrepos" <TIME =
CMD: svn "co" "file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/main-svnrepos"
"main-wc" <TIME = 9.797000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v" "file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/main-svnrepos"
<TIME = 0.468000>
FAIL: run-tests.py 4: detection of the executable flag
PASS: run-tests.py 5: conversion of filename with a space
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/main-svnrepos/trunk/single-files/twoquick" <TIME = 0.422000>
PASS: run-tests.py 6: two commits in quick succession
Revision 7 failed to remove '/trunk/full-prune/first'.
FAIL: run-tests.py 7: prune, but never too much
FAIL: run-tests.py 8: simple trunk commits
FAIL: run-tests.py 9: two interleaved trunk commits, different log msgs
FAIL: run-tests.py 10: simple tags
FAIL: run-tests.py 11: simple branch commits
FAIL: run-tests.py 12: a commit affecting both trunk and a branch
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--trunk-only"
"--create" "-s" "corrupt-svnrepos"
"J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\corrupt-cvsrepos" <TIME = 2.391000>
CMD: svn "co" "file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/corrupt-svnrepos"
"corrupt-wc" <TIME = 2.640000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/corrupt-svnrepos" <TIME = 0.328000>
Even the valid good,v was not converted.
FAIL: run-tests.py 13: convert as much as can, despite a corrupt ,v file
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"phoenix-svnrepos" "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\phoenix-cvsrepos" <TIME =
CMD: svn "co" "file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/phoenix-svnrepos"
"phoenix-wc" <TIME = 2.937000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/phoenix-svnrepos" <TIME = 0.453000>
Revision 4 not as expected.
FAIL: run-tests.py 14: convert a branch file rooted in a 'dead' revision
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\ctrl-char-in-log-cvsrepos" <TIME = 3.204000>
CMD: svn "co"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/ctrl-char-in-log-svnrepos" "ctrl-char-in-log-wc" <TIME = 2.218000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/ctrl-char-in-log-svnrepos" <TIME = 0.328000>
Revision 1 of 'ctrl-char-in-log,v' was not converted successfully.
FAIL: run-tests.py 15: handle a control char in a log message
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"overdead-svnrepos" "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\overdead-cvsrepos" <TIME
= 15.188000>
CMD: svn "co" "file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/overdead-svnrepos"
"overdead-wc" <TIME = 3.500000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/overdead-svnrepos" <TIME = 0.469000>
PASS: run-tests.py 16: handle tags rooted in a redeleted revision
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--trunk-only"
"--no-prune" "--create" "-s" "double-delete-svnrepos"
"J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\double-delete-cvsrepos" <TIME = 3.516000>
CMD: svn "co"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/double-delete-svnrepos" "double-delete-wc" <TIME = 2.094000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/double-delete-svnrepos" <TIME = 0.437000>
FAIL: run-tests.py 17: file deleted twice, in the root of the repository
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\split-branch-cvsrepos" <TIME = 3.860000>
CMD: svn "co"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/split-branch-svnrepos" "split-branch-wc" <TIME = 2.765000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/split-branch-svnrepos" <TIME = 0.360000>
PASS: run-tests.py 18: branch created from both trunk and another branch
CMD: python "J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\cvs2svn.py" "--create" "-s"
"J:\Subversion\tools\cvs2svn\test-data\resync-misgroups-cvsrepos" <TIME = 33.890000>
CMD: svn "co"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/resync-misgroups-svnrepos" "resync-misgroups-wc" <TIME = 4.781000>
CMD: svn "log" "-v"
"file:///J:/Subversion/tools/cvs2svn/tmp/resync-misgroups-svnrepos" <TIME = 0.500000>
PASS: run-tests.py 19: resyncing should not misorder commit groups
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Received on Fri Jan 2 19:59:12 2004