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[PATCH] svn.rc for Windows

From: D.J. Heap <dj_at_shadyvale.net>
Date: 2003-12-30 19:41:04 CET

Would someone with VC6 try this patch and make sure things still
generate and build correctly? It generates, converts and builds for me
with VCNet2003, but I'd like a real test of VC6.

If it looks and works ok, then I can commit the fixes to the vcproj

Also, just FYI, MS is once again changing the project file format in the
next version of the tools -- it looks like a massive overhaul of the
whole build system across multiple languages and will come for free with
the DotNet SDK, I think. Perhaps you can comment on it, Kevin? I've
seen articles on MSDN and it was mentioned at the PDC a few times, but
there aren't many specifics, although it does look like a long-needed


Make sure the svn.rc file uses the correct include directories for APR
rather than assuming they are in the Subversion tree.



Index: build/win32/svn.rc
--- build/win32/svn.rc (revision 8121)
+++ build/win32/svn.rc (working copy)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include <winres.h>
-#include "../../apr/include/apr_general.h"
+#include <apr_general.h>
 #include "../../subversion/include/svn_version.h"
 #ifndef _DEBUG
Index: build/generator/msvc_dsp.ezt
--- build/generator/msvc_dsp.ezt (revision 8121)
+++ build/generator/msvc_dsp.ezt (working copy)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 [if-any is_utility][else]LIB32=link.exe -lib
 # ADD LIB32 /out:"[rootpath]\[configs.name]\[target.path]\[target.output_name]"
 # ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /FD /c [is configs.name "Debug"]/MDd /Gm /Gi /GX /ZI /Od /GZ[else]/MD /GX /O2 /Zi[end][for configs.defines] /D "[configs.defines]"[end][if-any instrument_apr_pools] /D "APR_POOL_DEBUG=[instrument_apr_pools]"[end][for includes] /I "[includes]"[end]
-# ADD RSC /l [if-any is_exe]0x409[else]0x424[end] /d [is configs.name "Debug"]"_DEBUG"[else]"NDEBUG"[end]
+# ADD RSC /l [if-any is_exe]0x409[else]0x424[end] /d [is configs.name "Debug"]"_DEBUG"[else]"NDEBUG"[end] [for includes] /I "[includes]"[end]
 [if-any is_exe is_dll]# ADD LINK32 /nologo[if-any is_exe] /subsystem:console[end][if-any is_dll] /dll[end] /debug /machine:IX86[for configs.libs] [configs.libs][end][for configs.libdirs] /libpath:"[configs.libdirs]"[end] /out:"[rootpath]\[configs.name]\[target.path]\[target.output_name]"[if-any instrument_purify_quantify] /fixed:no[end]

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Received on Tue Dec 30 19:41:52 2003

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