Hi Cédric,
I have rebuild that package and tested with the file: URLs.
The Win32 javahl bindings package is on subversion.tigris.org.
MD5: 50ba70ac4c19da3c08cfa2047603f929
Cédric Chabanois wrote:
> This version of svnjavahl does not work with svnant and subclipse, at
> least with file:/// urls
> I have the following error message
> "
> svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
> svn: Unable to open repository
> 'file:///F:/Programmation/Projets/subversion/svnant/test/test_repos'
> General filesystem error
> svn: bad database version: compiled with 4.0.14, running against 4.2.52
> "
> I compiled subversion and svnjavahl and my version works.
> I think yours does not work because you did not copy db-4.2.52 to
> subversion db4-win32 subdirectory before compiling subversion.
That was not the reason. But it was not far off.
Thanks for the notice.
> Cédric
>> The Win32 javahl bindings package is on subversion.tigris.org.
>> http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/9297/svn-win32-0.35.1_javahl.zip
>> MD5: a6ad5fe5ac981063480b795d8ef846e1
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Received on Fri Dec 26 12:14:28 2003