Masaru Tsuchiyama wrote:
>I suggest svn:mime-charset property which enables
>auto charset convert like svn:eol-style.
>In Japan, there are three major charsets, sjis, euc-jp, and iso2022-jp.
>sjis is a native charset on Windows. euc-jp is a major charset
>on UNIX-like-OS. iso2022-jp is used for Internet Mail.
>charset-garbled problem is occurred in a situation that Windows
>and Linux are both used.
>I suggest that if the property is set to native, subversion converts
>to native charset automatically, if set to paticular charset,
>subversion converts to the charset, if not set, subversion do nothing.
I'm sorry, but what you suggest is outside the scope of Subversion.
Subversion does not interpret the contents of text files. The
end-of-line conversion only touches newline characteds, which I believe
are encoded the same way in all three encodings you mention.
So, the "charset-garbled" problem is not, I believe caused by
Subversion, but by the native tools on the various systems. The same
problem would exist even if Subversion wasn't used; for example, if you
stored files from Windows on a Samba share, and then used the same files
on Linux.
Brane Čibej <>
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Received on Sun Dec 7 23:25:31 2003