Jack Repenning <jrepenning@collab.net> writes:
> At 11:30 AM -0600 10/29/03, C. Michael Pilato wrote:
> >
> >Here's a better idea: how about *you* come up with concrete examples,
> >and I (or others) will see if the proposed syntax solves them.
> Well, I'm not the "you" in question, but ...
> create file README
> svn add README
> svn commit
> -> revision 10
> modify README
> svn commit
> -> revision 11
> svn copy http://..../README http://.../branches/BRANCHNAME/README
> -> revision 12
> ship this version to Important Customer
> svn switch http://.../branches/BRANCHNAME
> modify README
> svn commit
> -> revision 13
> svn rm README
> svn commit
> -> revision 14
> svn switch http://.../trunk
> svn rm README
> create a new README file
> svn add README
> svn commit
> -> revision 15
> realize there are two things floating around named README, wonder if
> we said the right stuff (the stuff created in revision 15) in the
> README that was sent to Important Customer
> diff me that?
Are you asking for the diff between the new README in trunk and the
old README in revision 15 of the branch?
svn diff http://.../branches/BRANCHNAME/README@12 README
Remember, the peg revision is the first thing used to narrow down a
hunt for history. *Then* the path. Then, given the resulting line of
history, you deal with any operative ranges.
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Received on Thu Oct 30 05:08:05 2003