Isn't the problem that you need to defeat the network cops? What if you
run the protocols on the port of a protocol they allow?
For example can you use SSH tunnelling?
At 27-10-2003 15:42, Kopp David K wrote:
>Hi again,
>I took a look at the Subversion source code over the weekend. At first
>glance, if I wanted to hack in an attempt at LAN support, it looks like I
>should try to add a libsvn_ra_lan directory. My thinking was that I would
>basically copy the libsvn_ra_local stuff and add code to try to manage
>some sort of lock file mechanism.
>Is this the right place to do it, or am I smoking crack again?
>If this is the correct place to attempt this, how do I tell the rest of
>Subversion about my new plug-in? And where do I register the URL protocol
>in the rest of the program? (I was thinking of LAN:)
>BTW, I know it is better to use either the dav or svnserve protocols, but
>I can't.
>Thanks in advance,
>David Kopp
>General Engineer
>(256) 955 - 9902
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Received on Mon Oct 27 20:48:56 2003