Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> writes:
> * If you get an error from an editing operation, you cannot assume
> that the error resulted from the particular edit operation you
> were trying to perform.
> * If you get an error from an editing operation, the edit is dead;
> you cannot do anything other than abort_edit().
> All of our current code obeys this constraints. These changes allow
> edit operations to be marshalled over the network without round-trip
> delays, while still allowing errors to be reported back to halt the
> operation.
I'm not sure our code explicitly obeys or disobeys the first
constraint right now. I guess it's fair to say that it doesn't depend
on the constraint not being true, though.
> I have ra_svn code ready to commit (passes all tests, against itself
> and cross-versioned in both directions) which implements true
> pipelining. Over my 10-15ms RTT cable-modem link, the new code
> improves checkout speed by 100% (times measured with an export of the
> svn tree, and fell from an average of 95 seconds to an average of 46
> seconds.)
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Received on Mon Oct 27 08:17:10 2003