Thanks, Landon. I tried to compose this exact mail and failed. You
put it down perfectly. I hope Kraythe understands.
landon clark <> writes:
> Hi Kraythe,
> While I do think that writing a Java re-implementation would be a bad
> idea and you would probably cry yourself to sleep at night trying, you
> shouldn't be discouraged from contributing in other ways. I have
> found the Subversion community to be one of the nicest in the Open
> Source world. I think a couple of things about your emails (all of
> them not just this thread) rubbed people the wrong way:
> 1. Statements regarding the appropriate-ness of Subversion in a
> "corporate environment". While Collab, who sponsors some svn
> developers, has a very big interest in catering to corporate users,
> most Open Source developers are simply motivated by their own needs
> and desires. We use Subversion in my company, but there are some
> people that will never be able to use it due to their corporate
> policies.
> 2. A lot of people come to the list and say either:
> a. "There is no way anyone will ever use this app without THIS feature."
> This is obviously not true since people use Subversion every day
> without whatever feature that is.
> b. "If you add just THIS feature, my company/project/mother could use
> Subversion."
> Features should solve a whole bunch of peoples itches before
> development and maintenance time are devoted to them. Especially true
> if that feature is not going to be implemented by the person
> requesting it!
> 3. Most of the features you requested HAVE been discussed before, pros
> and cons hashed out, decisions made, enhancement requests were filed,
> etc. People do get testy when someone shows up to discuss "new
> things" that are old hat to those who have been in the community for a
> while. Don't take it personally.
> FWIW, I would recommend sticking around, lurking for bit (I lurk full
> time since I have not found a need that I am qualified to fill), learn
> more about the community and then decide if it really is so hostile
> that it's not worth contributing.
> My two cents.
> Landon
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Received on Wed Oct 22 04:57:34 2003