Barry Scott wrote:
>> PyCXX instead of SWIG? I don't see any advantages to doing that. The
>> main advantage that Boost::Python and (presumably) PyCXX have over
>> SWIG is that they let you easily access Python features from C++, so
>> you can build cool hybrid C++/Python apps. But in this case, you're
>> not implementing parts of the library in python, just exposing it
>> all to python. Beyond that, using PyCXX would give you two potential
>> disadvantages:
> PyCXX allows me to use a very pythonic API. For example I have a
> revision object that allows me to:
> rev = pysvn.revision()
> rev.kind_name = "head"
> And a ls that takes keywords and returns a list of dicts for the
> result with times converted to python time.
> client = pysvn.client()
> all_files = url, recurse=true, revision=rev )
> for file in all_files:
> print file['name']
As you say in your other message, this can all be done with typemaps.
> I can also support threading by releasing the python interpreter lock
> around the svn calls.
SWIG does this by default.
> How would SWIG support all the callbacks?
Does Svncpp even use callbacks? I'd expect it to use virtual member
functions instead. Swig does supports overriding virtual members functions
in python ( If SvnCpp does use
callbacks, they can be supported with typemaps.
> I can isolate the Python world from crashing from bad param passing.
You could write additional parameter validation code with swig, too.
Anyway, considering that you are a PyCXX developer, and are just beginning
to get acquanted with SWIG's features, I'll take back what I said about
PyCXX not having any advantages over SWIG in this case. You should go with
what you know.
>> 1) The SvnCpp bindings wouldn't be able to interoperate with the
>> Subversion C bindings.
> Why would I need this interop? I don't understand why it matters.
I listed this as a *potential* disadvantage because, I don't know enough
about SvnCpp to know if it actually does matter. But AFAICT, SvnCpp only
wraps a small portion of the Subversion API, so it is concievable that a
user might want to call a subversion API with SvnCpp data in order to access
some feature that hadn't been wrapped.
>> 2) The SvnCpp bindings wouldn't be available to Perl, Java, Ruby,
>> PHP, etc, etc users.
> My goal is a Python API and I'm not convinced that SWIG can make a
> good python API. I know that PyCXX can. SWIG may be good enough to
> make
> the other languages.
I'll stop trying to convince you, but as far as I know SWIG does not prevent
you from using any Python features.
- Russ
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Received on Sun Oct 19 20:31:24 2003