Subversion problem checking out with very large repository
From: Simon <>
Date: 2003-10-04 06:52:39 CEST
This message occurs after attempting to checkout the entire repository, after a lot of files.
subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:614: (apr_err=175002)
The system is RedHat Linux 2.4.20, most recent version of svn from svn repository. After this happens the repository must be recovered to remove the locks. BTW subversion gets progressivly slower with this repository as it heads down the file list. Interestingly it uses virtually no CPU, but a lot of memory. I don't think the slowness is directly related to swapping because it happens early on, but it may be. A total checkout never succeeds the first time, and is too slow. This is a show stopper for my team using subversion on this project (sorry, no pressure, just the facts). We have binary files so CVS is a pain.
By large repository I mean it has a customised version of the kernel in it, plus some other customised open source stuff that are part of an embedded system. There is probably a better way to organise the repository to keep it small, ie only keep patches, but we started with the (optimistic) no-brain solution of importing the whole tree.
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