re: Size vs Focus WAS RE: ".svn" directory name no good....
From: Files <>
Date: 2003-09-25 18:49:48 CEST
Sander Striker ( wrote:
What percentage of the users that use subversion or would use subversion
How soon do we want massive adoption to occur?
At what point do we want to reach critical mass to crstalize subversion into
I'm wondering if that time is now, seeing as we actually now have the Perl boys
It's like the issue I brought up a while back.
>FWIW, I'd like to stay with .svn at least until 1.0. We can revisit that
If we're on the verge of a massive onslaught of people due to our exposure via
Maybe that's the question we really need to answer.
How badly will this hurt us once we have exposure and how soon will that exposure
If we have the time, I agree with you. Let's wait.
If not, we're waiting on a time bomb that will cause subversion to lose any
We only need a very small amount of bad press in a stupid magazine like eWeek
Shamim Islam
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