I'm curious; you don't sanity test that svn build before taging?
Yes, you need to update the docs.
This is the untested update of your text.
I've used the newer xcopy options (/I, /Y are not in older Win32 xcopies)
that ensure a clean copy from httpd into src of the apr pieces.
Change "ren" to "move" to make it unlikely that its read as "rem".
Added a call to vcvars32.bat that users will need if they don't have
msdev in the path.
C:\Subversion> svn co http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk src
C:\Subversion> gunzip neon-0.23.9.tar.gz
C:\Subversion> cd src
C:\Subversion\src> tar -xvf ..\neon-0.23.9.tar
C:\Subversion\src> move neon-0.23.9 neon
C:\Subversion\src> unzip ..\db-4.0.14-win32.zip
C:\Subversion\src> cd ..
C:\Subversion> unzip httpd_2.0.47-win32-src.zip
C:\Subversion> xcopy /S /Q /R /Y httpd-2.0.47\srclib\apr src\apr
C:\Subversion> xcopy /S /Q /R /Y httpd-2.0.47\srclib\apr-util
C:\Subversion> xcopy /S /Q /R /Y /I httpd-2.0.47\srclib\apr-iconv
C:\Subversion> call "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
C:\Subversion> msdev httpd-2.0.47\apache.dsw /MAKE ALL
C:\Subversion> cd src
C:\Subversion\src> python gen-make.py -t dsp
Then one of:
C:\Subversion\src> msdev subversion_msvc.dsw /MAKE "__ALL__ - Win32
C:\Subversion\src> msdev subversion_msvc.dsw /MAKE "__ALL__ - Win32
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Received on Wed Sep 24 21:39:41 2003