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Windows Build instruction do not seem to work

From: Barry Scott <barry_at_barrys-emacs.org>
Date: 2003-09-23 23:17:20 CEST

I'm trying to build SVN 0.29.0 using the instruction in INSTALL with, I hope,
correct changes to use winzip, cygwin tar and a SVN tar ball. My goal is a
repeatable, automatic build, as I already have for FreeBSD.

I'm seeing two problems. First I get this:

> msdev subversion_msvc.dsw /MAKE "__ALL__"
Warning: ignoring unknown target: __ALL__
Error: There are no valid targets to build.

Second if I start msdev interactive on the DSW and set project to __ALL__
and then press F7 I get:

--------------------Configuration: __CONFIG__ - Win32
Creating svn_private_config.h from svn_private_config.hw.
--------------------Configuration: mod_dav_svn - Win32
Compiling resources...
: fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'apr.h'.
Error executing rc.exe.

__ALL__ - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

How is apr.h suppose to be created?

Here is the full CMD script I'm using:

set RELVER=0.29.0
set DB4VER=4.0.14
set NEONVER=0.23.9
set HTTPDVER=2.0.47

call "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.BAT"

echo Info: Cleanup...
rmdir /s /q subversion-%RELVER%
rmdir /s /q httpd-%HTTPDVER%

echo Info: Extract SVN sources...
call bash -c "tar -xzf /k/Subversion/%RELVER%/subversion-%RELVER%.tar.gz"

echo Info: Extract Apache sources...
"c:\Program Files\WinZip\WZUNZIP.EXE" -d
K:\Apache\httpd-%HTTPDVER%-win32-src.zip >NUL

echo Info: copy APR into subversion tree
xcopy /S /r /y /q httpd-%HTTPDVER%\srclib\apr subversion-%RELVER%\apr
xcopy /S /r /y /q httpd-%HTTPDVER%\srclib\apr-util subversion-%RELVER%\apr-util
mkdir subversion-%RELVER%\apr-iconv
xcopy /S /r /y /q httpd-%HTTPDVER%\srclib\apr-iconv

echo Info: Build Apache
msdev httpd-%HTTPDVER%\apache.dsw /MAKE "ALL"

cd subversion-%RELVER%

echo Info: Extract neon sources...
call bash -c "tar -xzf /k/Subversion/neon-%NEONVER%.tar.gz"

echo Info: Extract Berkley DB sources...
"c:\Program Files\WinZip\WZUNZIP.EXE"
-d k:\Subversion\db-%DB4VER%-win32.zip >NUL

Echo Info: Set PATH to include Python and SWIG
PATH c:\python23;c:\SWIG-1.3.19;%PATH%

python gen-make.py -t dsp --with-httpd=..\httpd-%HTTPDVER%
msdev subversion_msvc.dsw /MAKE "__ALL__"

bash.cmd is my script that start bash in the current directory.


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Received on Tue Sep 23 23:18:51 2003

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