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From: Leeuw van der, Tim <tim.leeuwvander_at_nl.unisys.com>
Date: 2003-09-10 16:07:16 CEST


I'm very sorry, but I don't see here a 'thinly veiled insult'. I don't see
here any sort of inflammatory language either. But I IMHO your reply can
easily be read as insulting.

When someone is very used to one way of doing things, then it can be very
hard to get their heads around a very different way of doing things. That
doesn't mean one is trying to insult another.

And using a script can quite well be seen as 'a workaround for missing

I can see it as a reasonable request that people expect this to be part of
the product, that they can discover which repositories a server has without
knowing all names in advance.

If the contents of 'SVNParentPath' could be listed, then you already have a
great and easy way to discover all repositories on a server available via
http (within a given <Location>, of course...) without any scripting at all.
Of course it's not exhaustive and it doesn't cover svnserve, but it's
already something.

That said, I agree with everyone else that
A) Feature Creep is lurking around the corner! And we want an svn1.0 out of
the door.
B) Given the current SVN architecture, I don't really see a way to keep an
exhaustive list of all repositories on a machine. As administrator, you
should set up your environment in such a way that repositories can easily be
found by users, in whatever way you consider easy/relevant/whatever.

(It's no good having 'svnadmin create' record all repos that are created. A
repo is a directory on the filesystem. I can move it, copy it, delete it at
will. I can make a template-repos and make as many copies of it as I want
and put them wherever I want, no way that svnadmin can keep track of that.
Even if we want to add commands for all of that to svnadmin, I can still do
it outside of svnadmin. Let's put all svn repos. in one opaque db, all of
them together - then svnadmin will be the only way to administer
repositories and you can have your exhaustive list. ;-) )

-----Original Message-----
From: B. W. Fitzpatrick [mailto:fitz@red-bean.com]
Sent: woensdag 10 september 2003 15:42
To: Ronald Cannes
Cc: dev@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: SVN API


Again, you refuse to acknowledge what I've said TWO times now: You can
do repository discovery with a script. I see no compelling reason to
make it part of the core functionality of Subversion.
> While this is not a showstopper, it is something I'd expect from a
> production-quality versioning system (hence not POST 1.0)

These kind of thinly veiled insults aren't going to do a thing to
convince anyone that this feature needs to be in Subversion pre or post


If every time someone came by talking about some feature that they would
'expect' in a version control system, or that they 'really need' in
order to use Subversion, we'd reach the heat death of the universe
before we reach Subversion 1.0. Subversion can't be all things to all
people, and I'm going to fight feature creep here until my fingers
go numb from typing.


Brian W. Fitzpatrick    <fitz_at_red-bean.com>   http://www.red-bean.com/fitz/
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Received on Wed Sep 10 16:08:58 2003

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