Russell Yanofsky wrote:
>Jack Repenning wrote:
>>At 6:51 PM -0400 8/6/03, Russell Yanofsky wrote:
>>>For example, say x/y/z was newly added in
>>>revision 5 as a modified copy of x/z from revision 4. The url
>>> /x;5/y/z;4
>>>refers to the file located at x/y/z in revision 5, and retrieves its
>>>contents from revision 4.
>>OK, so I think you're assuming that SVN knows where that file was in
>>revision 4--more precisely, which version of that file was the source
>>of the "svn cp" that materialized the file in x;5. I don't think it
>No, it does. Whenever there's a new file revision that's a result of a copy,
>subversion records the file revision that is the source of the copy. I don't
>know/remember where it stores this information, but I know it does report it
>through the svn_repos_get_logs() function, which is used by ViewCVS to make
>links to old files.
Yes, but what's the point of it all? This would add a feature to the
URLs that the Subversion storage model doesn't have. Makes no sense to me.
Brane Čibej <>
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Received on Fri Aug 22 02:44:58 2003