"Han The Man" <hantheman12@hotmail.com> writes:
> >Did you actually tell us any of this?
> Don't recall... probably not. So I'm telling you now.
Thanks. :-)
> *this feature request which keeps coming around*
> Hint, hint - people don't want ViewCVS - they want an integrated,
> full-fledged ViewSubversion ;-)
Sure they do. Users want lots of things. Not all of the things they
want are sensible to give them. Know what I mean?
I think Ben accurately pointed out *why* people seem to want this
behavior -- because we teased them with a veeeeeeery limited version
of the functionality when we chose to be kind enough to do *something*
interesting with mod_dav_svn's GET requests. Further, not everyone
even knows about ViewCVS/SVN.
> > - make ViewCVS to the best piece of version control repository
> > browsing software that I can.
> You have a job to do ;-)
Yes I do. I know of several problems with the Subversion integration
that need to be fixed. And on top of that, I know of a couple of
general ViewCVS issues that are standing in the way of me fixing some
of the Subversion integration points.
> >All I'm asking is that folks understand the scopes of the two pieces
> >of software, and help me achieve my goals.
> My (possibly bad) suggestion is this: if Subversions' goal is to take
> over CVS, why rely on ViewCVS which appears to have CVS as its main
> target? Why not start on an integrated, glitch-free Subversion-only
> browsing tool?
Part of the benefit of ViewCVS *is* the fact that it works with CVS.
I mean, if users can start adopting Subversion as a replacement for
CVS, and they've been using ViewCVS on their CVS repositories -- how
much happier will they now be that this aspect of their workflow
doesn't have to change.
"What?! We don't have to toss out everything we know about browsing
repositories?! We don't *have* to install another Apache module even
though we're running svnserve for our server process?! Sweet!"
> >So, is there any set of operations that you know of which will cause
> >the repository to hang? I mean, is the behavior
> >repeatable/predictable, or just of the random-yet-likely type?
> The only thing that is predicable, as far as I can tell, is that it
> happends when using ViewCVS. Other than, completely random.
That's what I was afraid of. Hrmph.
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Received on Thu Aug 21 22:20:40 2003