I'm using SVN version 0.25 and TortoiseSVN 0.12.1.
Although I would have expected the sequence of commands you expressed
below to cause the problem, unfortunately it didn't, and neither did
performing the same operations through Tortoise either.
I'll keep on trying to come up with a simple reproducible case.
On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 00:13, Michael Wood wrote:
> Please provide more information. What version of the client are you
> using? If you can show the actual commands you typed and the error
> messages they generated it would be much easier to help.
> Also, if you can reproduce this with a sequence of steps on a new
> repository it might also help with tracking this down.
> e.g. do you get the problem if you do something like this:
> c:
> cd \temp
> svnadmin create repo
> svn mkdir -m "make trunk" file:///temp/repo/trunk
> svn mkdir -m "make branches" file:///temp/repo/branches
> svn cp -m "branch from trunk" file:///temp/repo/trunk file:///temp/repo/branches/branch1
> svn co file:///temp/repo/branches/branch1 wc
> echo "test" >wc/file1.txt
> svn add wc/file1.txt
> svn commit -m "add file1.txt on branch" wc
> deltree /y wc
> svn co file:///temp/repo/trunk wc
> svn merge -r3:4 file:///temp/repo/branches/branch1 wc
> svn commit -m "merge branch1 into trunk" wc
> If that does not demonstrate the problem, what are you doing
> differently?
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Received on Thu Jul 17 18:52:40 2003