Re: RedHat RPMS for 7.3, 8.0, 9.0
From: Steve Williams <>
Date: 2003-07-15 16:46:48 CEST
> First, where did the perl you built get installed to? If it was entirely
It seemed to have been installed to /usr/local, but removing that did not
> Second, if Archive::Tar was available before make installing that new
After the new installation of RH9 was completed (making sure that mod_perl,
Downloaded the Subversion RPMs once again and did a test update.
# rpm -Uvh --test *.rpm
I had a look at CPAN and found that there are countless modules for CGI and
This is my idiot's guide so far. It works right up to the 'update
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Installing a Subversion 0.25.0 Server on Red
Install Red Hat 9 in Server configuration. Make sure that mod_perl, mod_php
Download apt-get
Install it (remember that you must be logged in as root, ie. su root, to
First you must update the packages that apt-get knows about
Now use apt-get to download and install cpanflute2
Download the Config-IniFiles-2.38 module from CPAN
Use cpanflute2 to compile the RPMs for Config-IniFile-2.38
This created three RPMs, but you only need one of them. Now we update
Download the RPMs for Subversion into a directory
Change to the directory you downloaded the packages to and update Subversion
This is an archived mail posted to the Subversion Dev mailing list.
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