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Issue 1350: timeout still in 24.2

From: Clint Chapman <clint_at_luminosindustries.com>
Date: 2003-07-10 20:29:53 CEST

I tried updating issue 1350 directly but it says my email is not registered
on issuezilla.

Anyway here's what I was going to add:

This does still seem to be an issue in 24.2. I was able to reproduce it
about three times on the same 130 MB file. The error message is pretty much
identical to what Andy reported. Both client and server are win32 PII-600s.

Unfortunately I didn't get a copy of the message before it stopped being

Now when committing the file, I get a different error:

C:\>svn --version
svn, version 0.24.2 (r6284)
   compiled Jun 19 2003, 05:44:59

C:\...\Working Directory\PR7\DR22>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 4C15-5652

 Directory of C:\....\Working Directory\PR7\DR22

07/10/2003 11:03a <DIR> .
07/10/2003 11:03a <DIR> ..
07/10/2003 11:02a <DIR> .svn
07/10/2003 10:48a 130,215,226 DR22.prt
               1 File(s) 130,215,226 bytes
               3 Dir(s) 10,680,803,328 bytes free

C:\...\Working Directory\PR7\DR22>svn status
M DR22.prt

C:\...\Working Directory\PR7\DR22>svn commit DR22.prt -m "Test commit"
Sending DR22.prt
Transmitting file data .svn: RA layer request failed
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: PUT of
//!svn/wrk/dd0ad05c-8541-ee49-995b-e2f79fa3536d/PR7/DR22/DR22.prt: timed out
waiting for server (http://clint)

Not sure this helps. I did trying setting the http-timeout to 60.


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Received on Thu Jul 10 20:31:04 2003

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