I'd love it if the python bindings were bundled. It would lower the
acceptance threshold for people like me...quite happy about subversion and
almost ready to adopy, willing to learn python to customize it for my needs,
technically pretty competent (just another language), but only willing to
jump through so many hurdles to adopt younger interesting tools and also not
in posestion of VC6.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jostein Christoffer Andersen [mailto:jostein@josander.net]
> On Wednesday 09 July 2003 07.26, W.Osuch wrote:
> > One short question:
> > Are there any plans to include python bindings in the
> distribution?
> > I tried to compile them using Mingw but as I found out following
> > instructions is not enough. One also needs knowledge to apply the
> > instructions properly. I suspect there is more people in similar
> > position as me (not having the VC6 readily available).
> > So, what do you say?
> Anyone?
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Received on Wed Jul 9 13:54:03 2003